Tag - roadside tips

Starting on a slippery surface – avoid these mistakes!
Starting on a slippery surface – avoid these mistakes!

Everyone thinks they know how to start a car. But are you sure? There are a few rules that will help you get out of almost any jam.

By car on vacation – what to check before traveling?
By car on vacation – what to check before traveling?

What should we do before taking our car out on a holiday road trip? Check out our tips and drive safely!

Motorcycle riding technique – how to improve it?
Motorcycle riding technique – how to improve it?

It is never too late to get rid of bad habits. Correct motorcycle riding technique will translate not only into your safety, but also into the technical condition of your vehicle

Good equipment and caution – the key to safe motorcycling
Good equipment and caution – the key to safe motorcycling

If you’ve just picked up your category A driving license, it’s time to go shopping! Specialized equipment of good quality will ensure comfortable driving and safety.

What to check before buying a used car?
What to check before buying a used car?

Are you getting ready to take your driving test, or maybe you just picked up your license? If you’re still waiting to buy a car, check out these few tips!

Automatic or manual – which transmission is better to start with?
Automatic or manual – which transmission is better to start with?

Are you a novice driver and wondering which transmission to start with? Automatic or manual? Check out our advice!

When can a young driver move up to a larger car?
When can a young driver move up to a larger car?

Dreaming of making the switch to cars larger than the city segment? This text will help you prepare for this challenge with some practical tips.

GPS navigation – is a phone enough?
GPS navigation – is a phone enough?

Is a phone for navigating a route while driving enough? What does GPS navigation offer that a smartphone lacks? You can find out after reading this article!

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